Friday, March 2, 2007

Do angels really exist...

Well, I guess thats for you to decide...but I believe they exist, especially when it snows! Now this piece of art took some serious work. We received about a foot of snow and when I layed down, I sank in pretty far. It was so difficult to move my arms and legs but I was determined! Once the angel was complete I tried to get up, well thats how the photo from my first post was created. I gave up after a few minutes of trying to stand up without ruining my creation. As I laid there I decided to take photos of myself laying in the snow. Just goes to show that when taking pictures you never really know which ones are going to be keepers so keep shooting!

Zazzle It!


Anonymous said...

dat is awesome!!! glad to c u started a blog!! we miss u at TES.. he still says "Kelly gone on long trip!" we have to stop and smile and think of all the memories u hav left there!!!

jkirlin said...

Now if I tried that, people would look at it and say: 'Is that supposed to be a Snow Sun??' , 'A Capital Q with extra things sticking out?', 'An X superimposed over an O?'

Oh..and they'd also be saying: "Should we help that guy out of there now?'

Babiebluz said...

Thanks Lensa! I stop and smile and think too, of all the laughs we had, really they are memories that I will cherish, and remember if you need to bust out and do the Roger Rabbit without me, I will understand...we'll do it together in spirit!

Babiebluz said...

Now Kirlin, first of all you wouldn't even attempt this when you had all the time in the world on Friday to get yourself up and outta there. Second of all your calves are huge (check posting on so don't tell me those things are not strong enough to get your photo shooting bum bum out of the snow. Yes I said bum bum, thats what happens when you work with kids...

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