113th Boston Marathon Part 1

An expression beyond words, suspended in time forever...
Moment captured by
Sunday, May 03, 2009
So I must apologize for lack of posts, I can't believe 2 months have gone by! I have been busy with many things in life. Right now I am wrapped up in a community project put together by our local Young Professionals group. Its an awesome opportunity to bring forth positive change and growth for the Mount Washington Valley. My colleagues and I have taken the lead on this project and are excited for the last phase that will take place on May 2nd. Above you can see us with Chancellor Reno of the University of New Hampshire. He has teamed up with us in this endeavor along side with his project the 55% Initiative. Visit the Mount Washington Valley Young Professionals' Blog, and read up on this amazing project that I am involved in!
Moment captured by
Saturday, April 18, 2009